Call for Abstract

4th International Conference on Probiotics and Prebiotics, will be organized around the theme “Research Landscape of Microbiota Probiotics and Prebiotics”

World Probiotics 2020 is comprised of 19 tracks and 15 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in World Probiotics 2020.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

The live microbial flora present inside the Human digestive track helping to keep the digestive organ system healthy is defined as Probiotics. Due to increased use of infection associated antibiotics, the beneficial microbiome present inside the digestive gut also gets affected. But thanks to the probiotics supplements, the prebiotics which complements the beneficial microbiome and preserves the beneficial microbial flora. Probiotics are generally spoken or defined with respect to bacteria and yeasts, broadly the strains Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Saccharomyces.

Probiotics offer difficulties for industrial applications. The probiotic idea is interested in heaps of various applications in a huge assortment of fields significant for human and animal wellbeing. Probiotic items comprise of various compounds, vitamins, capsules or tablets and some fermented foods contain microorganisms which have beneficial impacts on the strength of the host. They can contain one or a few types of probiotic microorganisms. Generally probiotic items bound for human utilization is as aged drain or given in powder or tablet forms. These capsules and tablets are not utilized for medicinal applications but rather as wellbeing supporting items. The oral utilization of probiotic microorganisms delivers a defensive impact on the gut flora. Different studies recommend that probiotics have beneficial consequences for microbial disorder of the gut; however it is truly difficult to show the clinical impacts of such items. The probiotic arrangements utilized for explorer's diarrhea, anti-infection diarrhoea and acute diarrhea appear that they have a positive therapeutic impact.

  • Track 1-1Probiotics-Pathogen Competition
  • Track 1-2Enteric microbial community profiling
  • Track 1-3Functional Genomics
  • Track 1-4Metabolomics of Probiotics
  • Track 1-5Genetic modification: Recombinant probiotics

A few genera of microorganisms have been proposed as probiotic strains, the most normally utilized are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species. However, the determination of a strain to be utilized as a viable probiotic. The work starts with the wellspring of screening of strains, the most reasonable approach being the normal intestinal condition.

As indicated by FAO/WHO guidelines it is important to recognize the microorganism to species/strain level given that the confirmation recommends that the probiotic impacts are strain particular. It is prescribed to utilize a blend of phenotypic and hereditary systems to fulfil the distinguishing identification, characterization, and typing. For the classification of microscopic organisms, experimentally perceived names must be used and it is prescribed to store the strains in a universally perceived culture gathering.

Likewise, regardless of whether these genera have a long history of safe utilization in customarily aged items and a few animal model have been granted a "General Recognized As Safe" (GRAS) status by the American Food and Drug Association or a qualified assumption of security (QPS) thought by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), a few attributes must be concentrated to guarantee the wellbeing of the novel lactobacilli and Bifidobacterium strains. A few of the in vitro tests can be related with in vivo considers with animal models, yet probiotics for human use must be approved with human investigations covering both health (phase 1 trials) also, viability (phase 2 trials) aspects.

  • Track 4-1GI microorganisms: Detection, enumeration
  • Track 4-2Biomarkers and Probiotic efficacy
  • Track 4-3Quorum Sensing and Quorum Quenching
  • Track 4-4Probiotic bacteria immune effects
  • Track 4-5Gut microbiota targeted modulation
  • Track 4-6Non-mucosal Interaction with immune system
  • Track 10-1Probiotics: Biological control agent
  • Track 10-2Probiotics in shrimp aquaculture
  • Track 10-3Soil and water enhancement by probiotics
  • Track 10-4Probiotics effect on growth performances