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Elias Hakalehto

Elias Hakalehto

Finnoflag Oy and University of Helsinki, Finland

Title: Probiotics in mitigating and eliminating the root causes of illnesses


Biography: Elias Hakalehto


The definition of any microbiological disease usually corresponds to specific causative agents and symptoms. However, various statuses of the patient microbiome, associated with human health or disease, or various conditions in between, have been recently identified. In our laboratory, the microbiological stool samples have been screened against the patient sera in order to understand microbial attachment, penetration and intrusion into the body system. These immunogenic traits together with information on the overall composition of the host microflora, help in the diagnosis of specific diseases and in evaluating the risks for their onset. In some cases, beneficial microbial composition has been able to prevent serious diseases, such as as cancer or stroke. Imbalance of the microbiome may provoke e.g. lower back problems, headache and fatique. In numerous countries more than ten percent of the population suffers from the IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Inflammative gut diseases
make a huge toll by lost working days, stress-related illnesses etc. Some pathogenic conditions by e.g. Bacillus, Salmonella, Listeria strains and Staphylococci or Streptococci could be demonstrated by studying the intestinal isolates. Sometimes these strains cause hazardous infections elsewhere in the body system. To quantify the probiotic effect and for characterizing the balance, we have introduced the concept of BIB (Bacteriological Intestinal Balance). It can be determined by the Portable Microbe Enrichment Unit (PMEU). This balance could be influenced by pre- and probiotic treatments, which mitigate the syndromes and in the best cases eradicate the root causes of various illnesses.